The Outer Worlds Wiki
The Outer Worlds Wiki

Weapons are the primary source of offense (or defense) in the Outer Worlds. There is a wide selection from handguns and melee weapons, to heavier firearms.

Weapons can have modifications installed to alter or enhance their capabilities. For example, the heavy machine gun can be adapted to use shock rounds as opposed to the ballistic projectiles it was originally designed to utilize.

Most weapons will be available during late game as more "Advanced" variants, such as Gold, Ultra, Mk 2, II and 2.0, depending on the manufacturer. These variants have the same stats, but a higher starting level and more modification slots and are therefore more efficient for tinkering.

Damage Types[]

In The Outer Worlds each weapon inflicts a type of damage, each with its advantages and disadvantages depending on the objective. There are 6 damage types:

  • 50 Physical - Basic kinetic damage that is weak against armor.
  • 50 Plasma - Good against flesh and can apply Burn. Most creatures are weak to plasma, high effectiveness VS Raptidons , Primals & light armor, but it is notably ineffective against mantisaurs.
  • 50 Corrosion - Good against heavy armor, including automechanicals, mantisaurs and heavy armor. Can apply the Acid effect.
  • 50 Shock - Good against automechanicals.
  • 50 N-Ray - Causes internal damage to a target, which then radiates more N-rays to surrounding targets. N-rays bypass most armor, but are weak against non-organic entities.
  • 50 Cold - Can apply Chilled.


All weapons have a set max condition. This condition is reduced every time the weapon is used. The weapons effectiveness is also reduced as the condition lowers. Weapons can be repaired with weapon parts at workbenches or in the Strangers inventory.

All items (10)
