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AG211: 'Eridanos' - Halcyon's second Jovian gas giant. Its atmosphere is rich with hydrogen, helium, and various noble gases. Distillation plants in the atmosphere harvest these gases for energy.

Halcyon map description

Eridanos is a Jovian-type gas giant in the Halcyon system. It is currently being mined for resources. The gas giant is the setting for The Outer Worlds DLC Murder on Eridanos.


Eridanos is defined by its ring system, and is home to the Eridanos Atmospheric Complex, a human habitation of land masses which sits atop a layer of the planet's atmosphere,[1] which is comprised of hydrogen and helium, as well as other noble gasses. Rizzo distilleries on the plant utilize the gasses for energy.


  1. ADA, when asked for information on Eradinos