The Outer Worlds Wiki

This scary and powerful handgun is standard issue for Earth Directorate soldiers and is made by the weapons conglomerate FORCE, who owns their own colony in the Septerra system.

The Ultimatum is a handgun manufactured by FORCE.


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The Ultimatum is a phlogisynchotron pistol, standard issue for Earth Directorate soldiers. It was created by FORCE, a weapons manufacturer from the Septerra system. Since FORCE is not native to Halcyon, all of their products are banned in Halcyon by order of The Board.

Due to Halcyon's prohibiton of FORCE products, the Ultimatum obtainable by the player is likely the only one in the system. The gun and its schematics were originally in the possession of Orson Shaw; it was badly damaged and Orson sought to fix it. He was able to sneak the contraband pistol into Roseway's storage facility by claiming it was a cigarette lighter. He secretly worked on upgrading and repairing the gun in the mechanical maintenance room. Later, Orson fled to Roseway with the pistol after outlaws invaded the region.


As part of the Vulcan's Hammer quest, give the FORCE pistol schematics to Orson Shaw. As a reward, Orson will give you the Ultimatum.

Alternatively, you can tell Orson that you found the schematics but won't give or even sell them to him. Unable to fix the pistol without the schematics, Orson will let you buy it from him for 100 bits. When you receive the pistol, it will be at 1% condition since it was never repaired.


Behind the scenes[]

The Phlogisynchotron Pistol was conceptualized by Bobby Hernandez, originally intended to be a plasma science weapon.[1]


