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A remote asteroid. Home to marauders, smugglers, and an abandoned Spacer's Choice facility.

Halcyon map description

Gorgon is an remote asteroid of the Charybdis Cluster in the Halcyon system. It is location of an abandoned Spacer's Choice facility.


The atmosphere on Gorgon is protected by an Apex Mark 5 KAISO Atmospheric Dome.[1] The asteroid is not totally abandoned - despite Spacer's Choice putting Gorgon on lockdown, new forms of wildlife continue to thrive across its shielded surface - some of the creatures originally brought by the scientists have adapted to the new environment and developed defense mechanisms to counter the asteroids harsh conditions, such as the lack of a day-night cycle.[2] Treasure hunters and scavengers often visit Gorgon to hunt for valuable salvage and drug dealers use the asteroid as a hub for smuggling illegal substances[3].


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  1. Vicar Max on observing the dome.
  2. Minnie Ambrose on reaching Gorgon
  3. Package for Captain Babbage